Bedbug may be brought into a home despite of all reasonable precautions. They are found in homes, hotels, theaters, public library, transits etc..

Today, Bedbug is the fastest growing insect in the developed world !


Length: Adult up to 4.5 mm

Colour: Reddish brown

Other features: Nymphs and Adults are wingless; adults possess vestigial wing pads.

Bedbugs are reddish brown colour bloodsucking insect that are size of an apple seed once fully grown.

Bedbug’s life cycle: Eggs-5 stages of nymph-adult bedbug

Why bedbugs are hard to get rid of?

Bedbug not only breed rapidly they can hide any where like electrical outlets, bedframe, mattresses, baseboards, crack & crevice’s inside the wall which makes them harder to treat.

After mating female bedbug can lay as many as 500 eggs which can hatch within 6-10 days during warm weather causing heavy infestation that is hard to eliminate.

There are very few products available that kills Bedbug’s egg.

Bedbug eggs are white in colour which are glued to surfaces in area where the female hides.

Under normal condition adult Bedbug can live 4 months to a year or more.

How do we get rid of them?

Our highly trained & licensed pest exterminator uses multiple insecticide product specific to each stage of life cycle like eggs, nymph & adult Bedbug.

We use combination of heat using steam vapour & multiple insecticide.

We provide guaranteed Bedbugs elimination with our Scientific Treatment Approach called D.E.P.T  (Detection, Elimination, Prevention, Protection & Total Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed).

We provide 6 months guarantee on bedbug treatment.

So please don’t wait until these pests get out of control and cause irreversible damage to your property.

Please give us a call today @ 855-501-0074. We will be glad to help you!